I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.

CS Lewis

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Don't Stop Now!

Holy cow...where did the time go?

We are officially in the last two weeks of school here at Pitt State, which means this week is Dead Week.  And if there was ever a week more unjustly named, it would be this week.  There is nothing dead about this week at all, somehow professors interpret Dead Week to mean Cram-Everything-Into-This-Week Week.

Gee, thanks guys.

It's hard, those last few weeks of school.  Seniors are on the last little plateau before they finally get to graduate, college kids can smell the fresh cut grass of summer fun, and all we can think about is how close we are to being done with that final paper, instead of actually finishing that final paper.

Don't stop now, finish the final paper! Get your butt in a practice room and get the jury piece up to par, whatever you do, don't stop now!

It's like the last little bit of 5k, you know you're close, you can almost feel it, the finish line is literal just out of your vision, and all you want to is drink water and let your legs relax, but you can't.  You have to finish strong.  You've been training for this race for weeks, why give up now?

I know how hard it is to make yourself sit down and write that last paper, or go over your flashcards again, but believe me, it's going to be worth.  There is no better feeling than a job well done.  Work hard, and then give yourself the best reward you can receive, some time off.

Seriously, where has the time gone? Two weeks from now and I'll be chilling my grandparents lake house, or umpiring baseball every night.  But I can't do that until I do this...

So don't give up, get it done, summer is almost here!

Totus tuus,


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