Monday I was way too excited about weddings to
write about what was actually happening, so today's post is actually in honor
of September 28th, and my turning 23, which, by the way, is not too exciting. In honor of living 23 years, I decided to share
the 23 most important things I've learned in these 23 years. I promise, I'll
keep them short
1. The basics - a big thank
you to the adults who taught past-LeAnn how to walk, talk, read, and write.
Remember that next time your grandmother or parents need help. They helped
2. Quality over quantity in
the friend department. A few great friends are much better than 20 okay ones.
3. Never underestimate the
power of a good night's sleep.
4. We all learn things
differently, just because it's obvious to you does not make it obvious to
others around you
5. A good book is one worth
rereading, maybe even 20 times...
6. That you're never too
old for Disney movies
7. Being right isn't all
its cracked up to be. You can learn a lot by being wrong.
8. A well-placed semicolon
is a game changer
9. When your dog is
misbehaving, make sure you try to understand why before getting upset, dogs are just like small children and often have a reason for what they are doing. Try to figure it out.
10. Prayer is pretty gosh
darn powerful thing
11. Even in adulthood,
people can be mean - shake it off
12. Your parents are right often
13. Sometimes your parents
can be wrong; they are humans too by the way, don't beat them up for it
14. Don't start biting your nails, it is really hard to stop
15. Find people who inspire
you to be more or better than you are right now
16. Curly hair is beautiful,
and you should rock it ( that one took a little while)
17. There is nothing wrong
with getting the feels every now and again
18. Those people who called
you bossy when you were little will call you a natural leader as you get older.
It's a good feeling - bossy is a good thing.
19. Just because you aren't
a pro at the game doesn't mean you shouldn't play it
20. Risk makes for a great
Saturday night
21. People have different
life experiences that form opinions. Someone else isn't right or wrong, they're
just looking through a different lens.
22. Some of your best
memories are made unintentionally
Now, there are many things in this world that I
know, and there is so much more that I want to know. But two years away from a
quarter of century, I'm feeling pretty good about my life choices. The most important thing I have learned though is this:
It's hard to find sometimes, but its essential to life. Seek joy. Be joyful.
Tota tua,
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