I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.

CS Lewis

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Fresh, New Pages

I love starting a new prayer journal. I love writing on page one, and the being able to see the progression as you go through, page by page, filling it up with thoughts, prayers, hopes, and letters to God. With each new journal, I try to do it a little differently, add some pizzazz to my otherwise consistent prayer life. I've used guided devotionals, like Jesus Calling, I have followed along with the daily readings of the Catholic Church too, but lately a new type of journaling has caught my eye

Aren't these just amazing! I love the idea of illustrating your faith and using colors, stamps, and stickers to help do it. Now, the pictures use journaling bibles, which are designed with margins that give the user room to draw, paint, etc. I didn't buy a journaling bible, because my favorite part of this how people dive into using these journaling bibles, and in a way that is all too obvious (and I'm kicking myself for not thinking of sooner). They just kind of fickle pen of fate it, and choose a random book of the Bible and start there, and my pen landed on the book of Ezekial, so that's where I am going to start at. 

Obviously, my blog and my journal are two separate things. I don't write everything that pops into my head here, because trust me, no one would want to read that. 

What are your daily prayer techniques? How do you find inspiration for your prayer life? What new things have you tried to help keep your prayer life on its toes?

These things are important. Just reciting the Rosary or the five basic prayers every day are not enough if that's what you have done since you were three years old. Your relationship with God, like any relationship, has to involving doing something new every now and again. You can't have the same conversation with a friend everyday and expect things to come from that relationship, and you cannot do that with God either. You have to include God, make an effort to spend time with God, and try new ways to spend time with God! There are so many different ways to pray and spend time with Lord, but if you're doing the same thing every day, it is easy to stagnate, which is never a good thing. If you aren't moving forward in your relationship with God, you're moving backwards. That distasteful, unworthy of being swallowed, lukewarm. 

Just something to think about. Average isn't what we strive for. Good enough isn't what we want. Lukewarm is not the goal. 

Tota tua,


P.S. here's my new journal! Not as exciting as the others, I know

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