Josh will not drive anywhere new or newish without both of our phones fully charged and at least one
GPS running. Getting lost is the best way to bring out the worst in him; our most ridiculous fights have happened when we have made wrong turns on the way to parents' house north of Kansas City, and he panics, not knowing where to go next, even though he has driven this way hundreds of times.
Which is no different than any one of us when plans go awry. Suddenly, we are a panicking mess, unable to focus on the simplest of things because we don't know where to go next. We don't get into the college or graduate college that we had hoped for, our long-term relationship ends suddenly, a sudden illness strikes, or someone close to us passes away. And we are surrounded by new surrounding without a GPS.
I think that's how Joseph felt when Mary said she was pregnant. His well-planned life with his picked-just-for-him bride was suddenly anything but that. And then, to top it all of, an angel insists that he takes her to Bethlehem, keep the kiddo, and just keep living life. How crazy is that? How hard would that be to just accept and carry on?
If Joseph can accept that his future wife is pregnant because God willed it, and then continue to love and care for her their entire lives, you can find a new path too! Maybe an angel won't scream in your ear, maybe you won't be struck by lightening like Paul, but God will give the strength and abilities to get through whatever has been thrown at you.
Tota tua,
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