I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.

CS Lewis

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Soul-Food Routines

I think one of the hardest things about actively pursing Christ in your daily life is finding a prayer routine that fits your spiritual needs. The way I like to look at is by asking, "What feeds your soul?". This is also the way I like to explain different types of Christianity to people too, explaining that while we believe in fundamentally the same things (God, Jesus, Heaven, etc.) our soul-food is different from person to person, and that's okay! We weren't all created to be the same person, and so it makes sense that we would all praise and seek God different. 

So, what feeds your soul?

  • Do you like the routine and tradition of Mass?
  • Do you enjoy the solitude of silent Adoration?
  • Do you feel God's presence the most at a praise and worship meeting?
  • Do you like to just talk to God while in the car or taking a walk?
  • Do you connect well to God's word in the Bible on your own?
  • Do you keep a prayer journal?
  • Or do you connect better when you have a priest, pastor, or other leader guiding you
Obviously, there are many more ways to feed your soul then just this, but it is a good example of how different people bring themselves closer to God. 

Once you have decided on what works for you, try to create a routine around it. Personally, journaling is the one the best ways for me to stay connected with God. For some reason writing, whether it is to God or to all you helps keep me focused on the spiritual path I want to take. 

My mornings start off with walking Lily at 6:00 am, which is followed by a shower and making breakfast. After I have made breakfast, I start by reading from a daily devotional called Jesus Calling, which is nondenominational and I recommend it. After the words written by the author, Sarah Young, I read the suggested Bible passages and then think about them and write about them in my journal, reflecting on what they mean to me today and what they mean in regards to the habits and person I want to be. I always conclude with a little bless/protect/help particular people in my life, starting with Josh and ending with my camp family. As I sip my coffee my coffee, I immerse myself in God's words and support, trying to truly hand everything I have to do today to Him, asking Him to make me His hands and His feet. 

Obviously, I'm not perfect. I want to sleep in or take extra time on my hair instead of pray, but little by little, this effort becomes as a routine as eating breakfast. You don't just need physical nourishment, you also need spiritual sustenance. So start off by figuring out what actually nourishes your soul and go from there, find something that works for you and start mixing bits of it into your day. It's never too late to start a new habit. 

Tota tua,


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