I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.

CS Lewis

Monday, August 31, 2015

Haters gonna hate, hate, hate...

I'm baaaaaack!

As you can probably tell, it has been a little while since my last post. A culmination of stress (come on, it was my last semester of my undergrad!), and a bit of hypocrisy made me basically give up on this for a bit. But over the last two weeks, I've felt this overwhelming urge to write again, and Mass last night and a video by John Michael Talbot that my mother shared was the last little push I needed. Essentially, I just felt like God was reminding me that even if no one reads or appreciates this, I'm still putting my faith out there for someone who may really need it to find. There aren't enough witnesses to the Faith and the Love of God, and I shouldn't give it up just because of a few snarky people!

With that being said...it's time for a life update! These past few months have been a whirl-wind of activities. I am now attending the University of Missouri, Kansas City School of Law after graduating from Pittsburg State University this May. My longtime boyfriend, Josh, and I are now engaged to be married this upcoming May of 2016! And, to top it all off, I survived my second year as the camp director at the wonderful Camp Re-NEW-All, and learned a heck of a lot more about myself and my faith while bringing the camp one step closer to my personal goals for it.

Now, the message for the day. As I mentioned earlier, there are bigots in this world who tried (and almost successfully) tore me down and away from writing about my faith. But as Jesus reminds us, prophets are rarely welcome in their own homes. Now, I am not calling myself a prophet in the sense that Isiah or St. John the Baptist was a prophet, but I am announcing the Good News, and as Catholics we are anointed prophets at our baptism, which means we are called in our own ways to be be Lights to the World. Below is the video that gave me final spark, and although he looks like kind of a goofy guy, Mr. Talbot has a really awesome (and brief!) message each day.


Happy Monday everyone!

Tota tua,


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