I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.

CS Lewis

Sunday, October 11, 2015

I Missed That Memo...

Sunday's Gospel, the one about the young man who wanted to know what more to do and was then dismayed at the idea is one of the most disheartening Gospels to me. The last half, about how it would be easier for a camel to fit into the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Well. Shoot. I don't know about you- but to me that is just a downer. If it's this difficult then what can I possibly do to earn my place in the Kingdom?

The Gospel goes on and Jesus warns the Disciples that no one can enter the Kingdom, ."..it is impossible..."


"But all is possible through God."

Until yesterday, I had never noticed that this line was paired with the lines above it, and suddenly that Gospel became one of the most hopeful stories I have heard in a long time. The point of this tale is not to tell us how impossible things are, but how possible they are with God!

I don't know how in many years of Mass that I missed this key part of the Gospel, or how I had just put this last piece of the puzzle together, but suddenly Christ's message made infinitely more sense in the context of the Gospel. He was telling his men, and reminding us, that we cannot do it alone. You can anyone or anything, but without God, you will not accomplish your final and most important task; to join Him in Heaven.

We all have vocations, callings, and dreams, but when it is all said and done, we have one goal in life, because this is not our final place, this is not our home.

Ask God for help; become closer to Christ. Reach out the Holy Spirit and let it wrap itself around you. Make one small change, you don't have to give away all of your possessions, just make a little more room for God in your life.

Tota tua,


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