In today's Gospel, we hear a familiar story, about a woman who washes Jesus' feet with her tears, dries them with her hair, and then anoints them with expensive oil (Luke 7 36:50). As a child, it was a funny image. How does someone cry enough to wash another person's feet? Her hair must have been so long to be able to dry His feet like that... Gross, kissing someone's feet!
The image itself distracted me from the reality of the what this woman was doing. Now, as an adult and hearing this story, my pride cringes at the idea of kneeling before another person and washing their feet with my tears and drying them with my hair (although I still don't think my hair is long enough for that). Obviously, there is more to the story: Jesus informs her that her sins are forgiven and reminds the Pharisees that what she has done and the great love she has shown, which earns her great forgiveness in return. "Your faith has saved you," He tells her.
I think part of the impact of this story happens before the beginning. Try to just imagine acting like she does. Disregard the probability of it, but try to imagine being so sorry and ashamed for what you have done that you produce enough tears to wash someone's feet. Try to imagine planning this out, she obviously had forethought if she had purchased that jar of oil beforehand. Putting yourself low enough to the ground that you can was another's feet. Making the decision to put yourself literally at the feet of your Lord and admit all of your faults.
Would you be able to put your pride aside and do this? Keep in mind, Jesus has not told her that He is God, He has not risen from the dead yet, she is relying on faith and only her faith. Do you have enough faith in God, enough love for God, enough trust in God to put yourself out there? To cry in front of the leaders of your hometown and religion and physically, if not verbally, show how sorry you are for your sins?
Maybe we don't have to go so far though...
If what saved her was her faith, then maybe that is all that is needed. Faith that God will always forgive you, welcome you, and take you into loving arms. You have to trust that God will. And how can we, as Catholics (or Christians) do this? We can wash another's feet, we can ask for forgiveness either in prayer, at church, or in confession. But the important thing is that we have enough faith to ask in the first place.
Ask and receive.
Tota tua,
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