I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.

CS Lewis

Monday, September 21, 2015

Surviving Law School 101

I talked to my mom yesterday and she informed that family members have been asking about me...
Wondering if I am surviving law school, the "big city", and if law school is hard. So, I thought I would answer a few of those questions and put my grandma's mind at ease.

Am I surviving law school? 

Why, yes, I am. Don't get me wrong, there are moments where I'm scratching my head and am confused or frustrated by what is being taught but I am surviving. I've made a friend or two (or three), I have a pretty consistent schedule, and I'm not pulling my hair out with frustration.

Am I surviving the "big city"?

Yes. The only thing that really frustrates me is the traffic. "But wait!" scream the native KC-ers, "The traffic is not that bad!" Maybe not for you, but to me this is crazy. Word to the wise, if you are from a smaller town, like Monett, traffic is going to frustrate you. That it takes 10+ minutes to drive two and half miles is infuriating. The fact that grocery stores are NO WHERE near me is also frustrating, but hey, next time I'm looking for rentals, I'll remember to look for nearby grocery stores...

Is law school hard?

In the words of a dear friend of mine, is the Pope Catholic? Yes. Law school is hard. Reading 50 pages for one class is hard. Applying rules to convoluted fact patterns can be hard. But man, it is so worth it. If you do the reading, if you take clear notes, if you put forth the necessary effort, law school is not unbearably hard.

We were warned throughout orientation that law school, especially our first year, is a "transformative period in our lives". Yeah, okay, whatever...

No, really, it is. I think the biggest change I have seen so far is patience. I'm stuck in traffic, I'm anxious about getting to school, and as the weeks have gone by, I've learned to relax, I will get there eventually. There's no need to get upset. Maybe it is because we are moving slowly through material, maybe it's just the move to a new place, but I am definitely changing. I mean, for goodness sake, I bought Brussels sprouts at the farmer's market this weekend- I am on the cusp of adulthood.

With that being said, pray for the Pope on his tour through the United States this week, pray for me that I keep "surviving" law school.

Tota tua,


1 comment:

  1. You get used to the traffic! After being here for six years it takes something extreme to bother me.
