I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.

CS Lewis

Monday, December 21, 2015

Joy of the Holy Spirit

Wth finals weeks done and out of the way,  and no classes for a few weeks, posting uplifting things suddenly seems more possible. I don't have to read a case for at least two weeks, how great is that!

With Christmas a few days away, I wanted to just take a few seconds and ask how your Advent is going? Have you prepared for the Lord the way we talked about four short weeks ago?

I definitely made the effort to pick up my Bible more, and make more of an effort to apply it to each day. And I found myself in a more Christmasy spirit than I normally have. December held some intersting interactions for me, starting with attending a good friend's small, intimate wedding, where an ex (who hasn't been seen in years) would be. To say we ended ok good terms would be inaccurate at the least, and I was so anxious about it, after all,  the last thing I wanted was my personal nonsense to influence my friend's big day. So before I walked into the venue, I reflected on what I had read earlier that day, about the Lord's peace and about forgiveness, and I walked in.

Just like that, I felt the Holy Spirit fill me up. Suddenly, I was just joyful for the wedding I was about to attend, for the vocation and vows that were about to take place. And I felt more prepared for Christ's birth than I had in years.

This is what it means  to be prepared for His birthday, this is what it feels like to by joyful in Christ, I kept thinking.

We have five more days to find that joy- put yourself out there. Stop stressing about presents, holiday parties, and the over trivial things of the holidays and rejoice and be glad, because unto us will soon be born a Saviorc, Christ the King

Tota tua,


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