I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.

CS Lewis

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Ringin' in 2016

(Written while sitting in the back row of my parents' diesel Exursion, en route to St. Louis for my aunt's NYE wedding festivities)

A new year offers people an opportunity for a fresh slate. Something about the number changing indicates a chance for newness, a new change, a fix for the new year. This year's resolution trend seems to be choosing a word for their new year. I've seen trust, hope, adventure, love, and faith so far scattered across my various social medias, and I smile at it, at the optimism for this new year, and the opportunities it brings.

In less than 6 months, I will be married, with a new last name and a permanent roommate, and I couldn't be more excited. 2016 holds so much for me, but I am thankful for 2015's opportunities as well. We warned the first week of classes that law school would be transformative, and I can feel it. Between living alone for the first time, and undertaking a major educational mountain of sorts. 

So, I suppose my "word" for the upcoming year would be change. All the changes in the last year will culminate with this next year of major life changes; ones that I can hardly wait for.

Ring in your new year safely, and with enthusiasm friends. Tackle your new year head on and try to accomplish a thing or two. Read a new book, learn a new skill, take a plunge of sorts.

Tota tua,


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